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Federica Rossi

Federica Rossi is an SNSF (Swiss National Science Foundation) researcher at the Archivio del Moderno, Accademia di Architettura, Università della Svizzera Italiana. He earned her MA following the art-historical curriculum at the University of Turin, and her PhD at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa. She has worked with numerous Italian and international institutions, such as the Fondazione Ermitage Italia, the Università IUAV di Venezia, the University of Bologna, the Archivio del Moderno (Accademia di Architettura, USI), the Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa. She has taught at the Politecnico di Torino (II Faculty of Architecture) and at the Moscow Architectural Institute MARCHI. She has given papers and conferences in Europe, Asia and North America. She has curated exhibitions at prestigious institutions such as the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow. She is the author of numerous publications and she received awards such as the J. Ackermann prize for the history of architecture. Since 2015 she is academic collaborator at the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz - Max-Planck Instititut. Federica Rossi is a member of the Slavists Italian Association (AIS), and member of the Society for the Study of the Russian Villa (OIRU).

Fields of research
Russian art and architecture in relation to western Europe (XV-XX century), Architectonic and urban transformations in the city of Moscow, The “classical” tradition in Russia (Palladianism, Giovanni Battista Piranesi), Multilingual lexica of cultural heritage (Russian, French and Italian languages), Russian travel literature, Linguistic analysis of art treatises in Russian translation (XVII-XX century), Preservation and valorization of cultural heritage from a comparative perspective (Europe - Russian Federation).

Prizes - Recognition (selection)
«Pinax d'Argento» national research prize (2008)
«James Ackerman» international prize for the history of architecture (2008)
Medal «For contribution», Agency for the valorization and management of cultural heritage of the Ministry for Culture of the Russian Federation (2016)
Medal «For active participation in the work of the Society», Society for the Study of the Russian Villa (2017)
Nomination for the exhibition «Piranesi do i posle/Piranesi before and after» (curated by F. Rossi, S. Mikhailovsky, M. Maiskaya and Y. Merenkova) as Exhibition of the Year 2016 («The Art Newspaper Russia Prize», In Artibus Foundation)
Nomination for the exhibition catalogue «Piranesi do i posle/Piranesi before and after» (curated by F. Rossi) as Book of the Year in the context of the state prize of the Russian Federation «Innovation 2017».

Management of exhibition and research projects
Conception and curatorship of the exhibition «Piranesi do i posle/Piranesi before and after» (with S. Mikhailovsky, M. Maiskaya and Y. Merenkova), Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow (2016).

Organization of international conferences and seminars (selection)
The Italian Day. Conservation and Valorization of Industrial Heritage: Italian and European Perspectives, international conference, V International Forum of the Culture of Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg (3 December 2016).
New Research on Local Renaissance (with A. Mattiello, I. Mauro and C. Plaza), panels, 63rd Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, Chicago (30 March - 1 April 2017).
1917: «The Future is our only goal». Russian Revolution in time, space, utopian landscapes and images (with G. Wolf and N. Kleiman), international conference, Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, Florence (9-10 December 2017).
The architecture of the reconstruction of Moscow after the fire of 1812 in view of the emergence of a European urban model (1800-1840) (with G. Nicoud), research workshop, INHA, Paris (14 April 2018).

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